Get the Physical Results and Confidence You Want – Keep Them for a Lifetime

What if you could...

LOVE what and who you see in the mirror
STOP the frustration that comes from dieting
REDISCOVER the happiest and healthiest version of yourself
LIVE a life of confidence and worth
STOP feeling alone and feel supported in a community
Is there anyone, or anything, who can give you the answers to these questions?

We can.

How do we know?

Because after FOUR decades of combined experience, we've helped thousands of women from all ages, backgrounds, and physical situations.

We've learned what works LONG-TERM. We sought an approach that fits your needs, is easy to sustain, and is effortless to follow every day.

The Dieting Trap

Did you know the average person will try 126 diets in their lifetime?

Yes. You read that right… 126!

Why do you think that is?

Lack of “discipline”? “Laziness”? Being “too busy”?

Nope, we think it’s something else…

As of 2018, the diet industry is worth about $60 billion. 45 million people take up at least one new diet a year.

The diet industry knows that if you solve your problem and are happy with your physical results…

They won’t be able to “upsell” you new diets, “shakes” (that leave you hungry), and weird weight-loss products that don’t work.

That industry makes hard, weird diets on purpose. They’re often three months of intense restriction. Then you may get some results but the sacrifice in lifestyle is so hard to sustain!

You’re human, and as we all do, eventually you crack. You have the urge to eat everything that diets have taken away from you.

And let me tell you: It’s not your fault.

It's Time to Break the Cycle

Do you see what happens?

After you crack, you have a “downtime period”, and then when you gather enough motivation to start over again, you say “this time I’ll follow this diet, I’ll be more disciplined, I’ll get the results I want!”

But this is when they have you in their dirty hands!

Now they know they can sell you something and tell you “uhhh… Yeah, that diet didn’t work for you. But this one certainly will…”

Fast forward three months later and you’re in the exact situation.

We experienced this MANY times. More times than we can count.

This led us to find a new solution.

Something we enjoy working on. Something that’ll allow us to feel like the creator of our lives. Something motivated from self-love instead of guilt...

Something that’d give us the health and physical results we wanted–and maintain them effortlessly.
Before we show you how you'll get these results (plus real stories from the hundreds of our Shifters who have achieved them too)... 

Let us briefly introduce our transformational workshop and ourselves: :)

Together We SHIFT - Women's Wellness Workshop

Workshop Day 1
Achieve the physical results you want, and make them sustainable for a lifetime

Workshop Day 2
Get unstuck and rediscover your inner confidence

Workshop Day 3
Improve your mind/body connection and love who you see in the mirror

Who are we?

We’ve both dealt with pressing health, nutrition, and body issues.

Courtney (left), as a teen, had a tough relationship with food.

She went through bouts of anorexia and bulimia.

She restricted calories and had eating disorders.

Was under-eating and over-exercising.

Her self-image and self-talk were destructive.

And most of her actions came from trying to “not hate her body”.

She spent much of her youth like this…

Until, in 2010, she started a healing journey.

Her first step was a 10-month certification.

In this step, she learned about nutrition, health, and mindset.

With this new knowledge…

She realized many of the things she did were not only harmful…

But don’t help you lose weight either.

She studied nutrition, meditation, breathwork, and self-improvement.

I’m a first generation American with two Cuban immigrant parents.

(You’ll see why that fact is important to your health later in this guide.)

I grew up a little overweight and got bullied in middle school for that.

This led me to pursue diets since I was very young…

I tried shake diets, calorie-restricted diets, diets with fancy names.

And I did get some results from time to time…

I remember looking at the mirror after months of going without sugar or foods I loved…

Feeling like this time I did it!!

Just to have the restriction kick me in the face, mindlessly dive into the foods I’ve been thinking about almost all day, and have my weight get back up.

I wanted to shift this and over the years I learned about nutrition, fitness, and health.

I knew there had to be a better way.

Eventually I got a hold of it…

I started to lose weight sustainably (meaning my weight didn’t fly back up).

And not only that, I did the “inner work”. I shifted my thoughts, emotions, and my relationship with food.

I did this not only so the results could stick…

But also so I could be happy in the process!

Which for me, was the most important thing.

I mean, what’s the point of doing something if it feels like a drag and you won’t be happy about it, right?

So when Courtney and I met, and we exchanged our stories, we knew that we had a gift to share with others. Not because of the fancy credentials that we have, but because we have been in your shoes!

Now we're on a mission to give women hope and restore their lives, to help them get the physical results they want with a plan that fits THEIR life, and bring back their happiness and freedom in the process.

Introducing: The SHIFT Transformation

The SHIFT Transformation is the ultimate solution to your health, nutrition, and community needs.

It’s the last program you’ll ever need to achieve the health and physical results you want, and maintain it for a lifetime.

It has worked for thousands of women from all walks of life.

Client Success Stories

Tiffany's Story

Danyelle's Story

Jeanne's Story

The SHIFT Transformation works so well because it follows three pillars:

Create Health in Your Mind First

Ever felt like your thoughts hit the brakes on your growth?

Like sticking to the plan would be much easier IF you didn’t have those thoughts?

We’ve felt that countless times too.

In fact we thought “the next diet plan” would take care of this issue.

But that never happened…

Instead, we learned to create health in the mind FIRST.

What you FOCUS on EXPANDS! If you want health you have to focus on health.

By creating health as a mental image first, it’s easier to replicate it externally.

We learned how to do this. Now when it’s time to hit the gym, cook our food, or build our habits…

Health is much easier than ever before!

How would it feel to already be healthy?

To have the physical results and confidence you want?

To have health, fitness, and nutrition finally “click” for you and never have to worry about it again?

When you feel this, achieving your health and physical goals gets much easier… It’s like you have a compass that drives your every move, all in the right direction!

Inside the SHIFT Program, you’ll learn to create that image and set that compass.

You’ll also learn our Three-Step Shifting Process: a simple way that releases the beliefs (and thoughts) that ground your feet as you move forward.

And you’ll adjust your identity so you’re an optimally healthy person both inside and out.

✔️ How to see what “emotional” needs you’ve attached to food and how to change those needs to your benefit. (Food isn’t just “fuel” like many claim. We have a complex set of beliefs attached to it. Those beliefs often cause emotional eating when we’re stressed, anxious, or sad. Here’s how you change those.)

✔️ The 3-Step Shifting Process: A simple way that releases your old beliefs and emotions, and creates new ones in place. You may have seen some belief-changing methods but many take a lot of time and effort. With our Shifting Process, your beliefs–and your reality—can change fast! (No discipline or willpower required.)

✔️ “How to change your state at will” training. Problems like emotional eating come from a negative or “down” state. By changing three natural drivers in your body (physiology, focus, and language and tonality), you’ll experience a fast, sudden change, and the urge to eat emotionally disappears!

Learn How Food Works in YOUR BODY and 
How to make it SIMPLE and SUSTAINABLE!

So you’ve created your ideal health and body in your mind.

But we won’t leave that image in your mind, with no results to show for it…

Inside The SHIFT Transformation you’ll learn and understand exactly how food works. You’ll have a powerful knowledge of food that no one can or take away from you. And more importantly, how it works in YOUR body. Let's be honest, we are all different.

This simple knowledge alone will start your path towards freedom with food. You’ll never again rely on diets that falsely promise the new “shake with enzymes that make you shed fat like a machine” or some weird sleazy stuff…

We break down food, macronutrients, and optimal nutrition. We do so in a super simple training that anyone can understand, even if you got a C- in biology class as a kid!

The best thing is, once you know how food works, you can craft your own meal plan! Add foods you can’t wait to cook or eat—plates that feed the heart, the mind, and the body all at once!

And if you’re a busy woman? No worries. We also have meal plan templates to instantly “copy and paste” into your daily routine! These meal plans are reviewed by Jen, Courtney, and Nettie personally. They’re also adapted to your energy needs, health goals, and life.

On top of all the amazing insights above, you’ll also learn:

✔️ How to reduce inflammation (and disease risk) with food alone. Did you know inflammation is behind some of the most deadly diseases that kill people? What if you knew how to prevent it to reduce risk of illness, increase energy, and give your immune system a bulletproof vest? You’ll learn how inside the Nutrition Module!

✔️ Never feel guilty about food ever again. It may have happened to you in your old diet days: some foods were labeled as “out of your reach”. Then you reached for those foods and ate them. A swoosh of guilt and pain rushes through your body, sprinkled with self-defeating thoughts. This isn’t your fault and you shouldn’t feel this EVER again. That’s why you’ll learn to release guilt around food (in the previous mental module) and balance foods you love into your diet.

✔️ The easiest way to track your food intake. Avoid over- or under-eating. Forget about confusing apps like MyFitnessPal which need you to type in stuff that takes you half an hour before each meal. Learn to measure the right food amounts for proteins, fats, and carbs with nothing more than the palm of your hand!

And if that wasn’t enough… We included our renowned Hormone Masterclass as a bonus. We’ve taken it off our website  and added it as a free exclusive bonus to SHIFT Transformation Members. More on that later! 

No Shifter Ever Walks Alone

Working on your health, body, and nutrition takes courage. You’re a strong woman looking to create lasting change. We see you!

Yet the journey is often daunting, doubtful, and lonely. In our time working together, we figured out that an effective factor to create lasting change is COMMUNITY.

Since we launched our brand new SHIFT Program two years ago, we’ve gathered all our Shifters in one place. Most of them are active members inside our private Facebook community.

Many Shifters report that the community and coaching aspect is the single most important factor to create lasting results.

Plus, when you join our Shifters’ community, you also get all access with all our coaches: Jen, Courtney, and even Brandon! (Courtney’s husband, a certified coach and food expert with over nineteen years of experience.)

Every question you ask will be answered, often on the same business day. 

Breakthrough Calls: You will also participate in 9 breakthrough calls, where we will discuss, process, and reflect on the modules as a community of empowered women on a journey to our best selves. This is where the true magic happens! 

BONUS: Manage Your Hormones for True Lasting Health

Feel bloated, moody, tired all the time?

Find it hard to fix the problem with expensive pills, treatments, and appointments?

Then the issue may lie in your hormones!

Hormones control the functions in our bodies. Good hormone functioning will make your body function better. A bad functioning will make it feel like your body is giving you warning signals every moment.

We learned about hormones thoroughly. We tested and understood how hormones can affect your functioning.

In fact, we got it so down to the detail… That once you understand hormones in the way we’re about to show you, you’ll see it as a “math formula”.

For example, if you feel fatigued 24/7, have tried to cure it with anything, and still don’t have results… You can first assess your food intake to see how much processed sugars and seed oils you’re eating.

From there you can cut those off for a while and add energy-boosting foods like avocado, almonds, oats, and plenty of water!

This is just one short example, and minor in comparison to what you’ll learn inside The Hormone Masterclass.

Imagine having a magic tool. Every time you feel tired, weak, bloated, moody, or over-stressed, you can “ask” this tool what causes the problem, and what would solve it. Then imagine tweaking things out a bit and restoring your hormonal balance. Problem solved.

Take out the “magic”, and that tool is The Hormone Masterclass.

We took The Hormone Masterclass out of the market and made it an exclusive asset for SHIFT Transformation Members.

Previously we sold The Hormone Masterclass separately, then we raised the price, and it was still flying off the shelves! People understood the value of getting their hormones right and using it to coat their health in ironclad armor. You’ll be able to do the same at no extra cost.

What Clients are Saying

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